Post Info TOPIC: Is King Tut-ankh-amen the Biblical Jesus?!

RE: Is King Tut-ankh-amen the Biblical Jesus?!

confuseSorry Anon. You have it a bit confused. NO, very confused--I was just trying to be polite but with you psychics I don't understand it anymore. You are right about one thing: I did actually awaken to any great degree at age 27 in this vessel, which is ironically physically not that different from that time. You say I am Aztec or, I am not, much to My chagrin. I liked the baked appearance I had from then, sure, but I am no longer in any way Turanian. I look more like the  enemy of that time, which, contrary to even the miniseries done, were the Mitanni, and they were completely white. I like to cover all the bases so I chose this vessel which would hopefully bridge the gap between the many groups, but it seems that being born uniquely is NOT enough anymore, what a pity.

As for the arrogant dad I tried to save multiple times despite his best efforts, that jerk is apparently in the White House now. As a clone from back then. I still have an arrogant 'dad' to this day as the great punishment of allowing humans true free will in this realm.

I do have my mother, but everything you say of her misses the mark...badly. As for "Ascended Master Jesus", did I briefly look up at him, fine, yes, like many. I found and in the process of reclaiming my place and I have found Truth, so now I no longer follow the son of a deciever, who is in turn a grandson of the Devil himself. How matter how much or how hard or with what zeal that Son of Man and his lot try to help humans, they make it worse, coming up with punishments and justice, which are disproportionate to their ethical value by society itself. It is time for a new age, but certainly NOT THEIR OWN, as they are attempting with some flair I may add, so that they learn and do different things. I am speaking this in full awareness of the backlash I will undoubtedly receive, if not from you or trolls, then those who utilize trolls for their amusement. Ascended or not, they are not  terribly that different from their kin yet, even if they are being supported from a higher source. Sorry. All of this things backpedaling is just semantics so I often don't bother speaking or with semantics it is so trivial that it is hard for many to follow, but we can speak of it later.

In fact, Jesus and his people are trying to follow the Bible to the 'T', but they will find out they are not in control of everything, just almost everything. The Dead Sea Scrolls are part of it, sadly. Which is why Russia is in control of Syria and at the first sign of twitching of their perceived enemy, they or their enemy will try to lay waste to it, like it is written in prophecy. They will find some abrogation to their surprise. Still, they will master everything else. That much is the hands of someone other. A physical shift is not possible, due to the way the Earth was fashioned, long ago. Magnetic is a different story. The EM spectrum has been strange for many years now. If you put spoons or forks into microwaves these days, they will not spark like they used to.

Even if I am different, I will say there are still some days where it would be nice to have a big gaggle of friends, but with My vessel, well, it is impractical. I rather like the days of research and helping those I find online and occasionally doing healings, when appropriate. I just cannot believe how long I have been away. It is almost funny, really. Have a pleasant evening-or morning. May Father Isten guide your soul and give it strength and wisdom.



It is true. King Tut is the real Jesus. He just awoke from his knapp of age 27. The Shroud teaches us that we can identify actors/avatars from thier biometrics. King Tut is currently Aztec-Spanish, his last lifetime family occupies the White House, and the Jesus of the Shroud almost occupies the thron. And yes it can be proven the existance of the Ascended Master Jesus of Nazareth, for his remaried Mother Maria, his former body, and a new age church with scientific proof of his existance are near alignment while the dead sea scrolls makes its way to the allignment of Milwaukee along with the order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter) for the next equator. 40 deg polar shift. No Jesus can raise the dead. Only Christ Consiousness can. Every species has one.

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RE: Is King Tut-ankh-amen the Biblical Jesus?!

I will confirm tut is the true Jesus. 
Always remember that the bible says not to worship Gods who you fathers have not k known. The original GOD's date back to egypt where the men all left for different nations. As you all know their entire civilization was based on religion, because then GOD and the angels of GOD interacted with the people and they knew them on a much realer level then the people today. The reason we cannot find information about TUT's actual life is because when the bible is converted the old texts are burned. Jesus did not sit around his whole life until he was 30, when he became of age he knew what he was doing, this info was transformed as well as names, to fit the view of whatever nation first translated it. They do this so that their  people may relate to the GOD rather than think he is some foreign GOD, after they began making false idols (Money). In the name of his father ( Amun) tut did his work, king of kings, tut died by malaria (mosquitoes ate at him on the cross and he could not get them off) this was common death as Egyptians were not violent. They let nature have the blood on its hands. There were many different peoples in Egypt then, like America is today. Tut was a Hebrew there, which is a race that appears gold(tan)-black. When he died he was hidden in the valley of kings, just like where the LORD buried Moses in the valley. This valley was secret for thousands of years. The graves were not robbed, the ressurected peoples would return and gather their belongings. I find it ignorant that people now a days assume for some dumb reason that everything they believed in consistently for thousands could possibly be wrong. This generation also believe that people in the last 50 years are just amazingly superior in brain power than every person in the current world cycles 12000 years, and it is because of this that they have awoke he who was to be sleep. Aten(Athen-i) is alive today. I know this because I have met him, and he has proven this to be true. And he has confirmed his life as that which was Jesus, and Horus. Amen.



hi dudes...its peter the roman here...spiritual warrior and defender of the faith!..whah gwan bredrins ye of the holy tabernacle...hey dudes i just noticed how many views we had on on my end of days slot on the first page...180 plus dudes...people just love the uncertainty of the end game i find.

indeed there's a great following for such drama and the wicked web is teaming with sites dedicated to this subject..i think its great lovin it...important thing for us believers to do is to make sure we don't cave in to the babylonian system which asserts there is no god and therefore no hope except for it...and beware ye the church built upon seven hills ye holy brothers..for she sayeth i sit a queen and am no widdow..yet shall her judgements come in one hour!...well something like that...this is what the ancient scripture says not particularly bothered to be fair...if god has something planned for the church then thats for him and when he makes no difference what men think or do..we're simply along for the ride when you look into things mega quake would be sufficient to level the vatican brethrens and god could if he chose level it, if indeed they are to be destroyed as a false church as some assert...i oftent think a church is better than no church sometimes, but ye are the true church and the holy temple, anyway its not as though im stood aiming a rocket launcher at the place and so it has nothing to do with me..i could'nt care less brethrens..but i love the excitement of any impending judgements upon a wicked and perverse generation which knows not god...yea this generation worship me with their lips yet their heart is far from sayeth the lord!.

now hear the parable of sower my brethren...Math 13 ch 1 onward..i can't be arsed to write it all down and im sure you'll be familiar with it anyway...its no place for beginners or sensitive hearts guys! are ye of they who require strong meats?...sentiment is left to chance sometimes..his eyes are like angels but his heart is cold i men therefore!..i know we've made them fall but only fools come back for more guys.. but for love sakes each mistake god forgave man.. and soon all of us learn to trust...not run away... there was not ime to play.. we build it up and build it up and now its solid...solid as a rock!...are you with me kyra..i was always with you riddick.

im sorry guys i should be more serious about stuff...i question if were really happy with this lonely game we play here on planet earth..looking for the right words to say all the time you know.. searching but not finding understanding anyway..we're lost in this masquerade dudes...i'd rather hurt you honestly than mis-lead you with a lie folks... and who am i to judge you on what you say or do anyway?.. but i do know that through the insecurity some tenderness just another writer still trapped within my truth a hesistant prize fighter still trapped within my youth it seems at i'd like to know where you got the notion guys?..don't rock the boat the baby..da dada dada...tweet tweet tweet..go rockin robin cos we're really gonna rock it tonight. whooo!..go bird go!.

im just seeing there's been further trouble in bangkok seems its kicking off everywhere these days man..could be we're doomed here could be we need to say good by my trusted friend...good bye my friend its hard to die..when all the birds are singing around the that the spring is in the air..pretty girls are everywhere..think of me and i'll be there...bit it was'nt so bad guys..we had joy and fun and seasons in the sun..but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time....too much wine and too much song wonder how i got along.

ok guys please close your bibles, i think this should cover us for todays service..please do drop by again we're always pleased to welcome you to the Ambassadors forum..jesus loves you!.



8 PM Sunday On The History Channel

Life after people

Wrath of god



morning world and welcome to babylon AD...great to have you back again..ok tonight brethrens i mean today actually...i wanted to speak a little bit about babylon and your escape plan if indeed you have one..cos many don't you know..their master plan is to heap unto themselves all the treausres they can in this verse to help weight them down in their sarcophagi...they have no plans or ambition to fight of the devil..

well how we gonna handle that coffin dudes?..who knows if that slab of granite sitting in some stone masons yard is'nt for your you gonna face that coffin?!...well your doctor cannot save you brethren..he don't care with the money he's the only person who cares is you...the judge don't care about your spiritual welfare..he just locks you up or sets you free depending on if your naughty...the solicitor don't care..he'll bury you if he gets a chance...the bank manager is'nt bothered either!...interest is his greatest interest..nobody gives a damm folks you is on your own when it comes to matters of faith and salvation..amen?  i did'nt hear you, say that with me Amen?...Amen.

and know this!.. death is the great leveller..its the great equalizer...everyone dies! men die poor men die..rock stars die..unknown people die..docotors die...presidents die...kings and queens die...everybody must face death...the bible says in proverbs 22 the rich and the poor meet together and the lord is the maker of them now on the other side the man who trusted in god is in the comfort of the presence of god...and this other man who had no time for god is in the a place of torment (hell) a reminder that we are indeed immortal and can never die...and its clear that every person is eternal be they a believer or a non believer and physical death is not the end of existance it is simply a change in the state of existance...and this story also shows once you crossed over to the other side...there's no coming back..and may i add there's no communicating with those on this side either..nobody communicates with with the dead brethrens..its just not possible for men to do this ok?.

so when these people get on tv and say they have a message from your long deceased uncle beeter know that's not uncle harry speaking to you..its the devil angels working all manner of miracle to decieve...once you've crossed over you can't communicate with them and they cannot communicate with you either..alot of people will say hey hells not gonna be so bad!..because all my friends will be there!...well that may be true i don't know!... but then they'll add we're gonna party!! you are not goona party buddy ok?...this is a place of eternal suffering and separation from god..and i know some of you are thinking well how could a god of love create place called hell?..why does hell even exist?..well we do think that certain people ought to go to hell..adolf hitler ..oh yeah  he should go to hell..or certain people that have committed certain crimes they should go to that we know there is justice in the world...timothy mc vee was responsible for the death of a hundred and sixty eight people he should go to hell.

no you are not! are not the master of your are not the cap't of your soul..yes there is a day of judgement that is coming..follow me closely on this because we think good people go to heaven bad people go to hell and by making that statement we of course assume..we are in the company of the good people?  but wait a second we need to understand something..this is not about being good or bad!...because if it was true that only good people go to heaven then no one would go to heaven and if it was true that only bad people go to hell then everyone would go to hell because all of us have sinned...all of us? (applause).

the bible says there is none good no not one! that does'nt mean there are not good people cos there are..but it is saying that there is no one good enough to get into heaven becuase to be good enought o get into heaven would mean that you have to be perfect!..and you are are of your father the devil..he was a murderer form the begining and abode not in the truth.. when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of himself..fo9r he is a liar and the father of it..which of you convinceth me of sin..and if i say i know him not i should be liar like unto you but i know him and keep his hear them not because ye are not of god..verily verily, i say unto you whoso believeth on me shall never taste of father is greater than all! got it all wrong holy man i absolutely believe in god and i absolutely hate the fuker..where's your god now holy man?.

ok folks i reckon we can rest easy here..erm enjoy your day and watch them masonic doctors dudes..some weird sh!t they're into...or you'll proabably die for jehovah!!..and watch men always..their judgement cometh.

ok folks please close your bibles and thank you for visiting..please do drop in for our next service here on Ambassadors forum we're always happy to see you and new faces! so please bring a friend along next time. bye and god bless in jesus name ye holiest of Ambassadors.



thanks for visiting so soon dudes!..its great to have you with us again!...ok a couple of things tonight foks, i've been thinking just lately how my ministry was being recieved by the various peoples and in particular just gonna open up a page to see if we're still top of the table guys back in second..please don't go..yeah we're still on top man..i did check half hour ago and it was good still so all's well.

we got loads to pick from on the Ambassadors here guys!..we get the occasional apparant foretelling..well ok i mentioned oil and there was a leak and a quake and but that's chance guys..i got lucky but at least we got the prophecy and the name to work we could still be onto something in this worth pointing out we need to forget the worldly issues which normally twist us...such as race, finance  and work etc...especially when we're researching this find guys?... this could be our moment in time brethrens!...when the righteous in jesus christ are set free from the works of the devil!!..equally it could signal the begining of the end so let us be vigilant brethren...for he cometh at an hour when we think not.

i think concerning these prophecies, they're quite vague and there does come a point where you only know so much up to a point..about what the future truly holds for everybody and ourselves in particular, you can know things im sure of that, i've heard people can foretell events sometimes..such as nostra and other famous dudes..and dudesses too, but i've never quite heard of anybody able to foretell with the sort of accuracy that they appear to have created the event itself...but i myself would be very suspicious of anybody who had this ability and to be sure of that spirit..some have conjuring powers and work all manner of spiritual deception...test the spirits that they be of god my friends...and ye shall no them by their works for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man...the satan knows the scripture! knows the scripture!...better than most fukin believers! are sheep or goats, your a servant of the lord jesus christ or a child of the fukin devil dudes...and if you don't know how to fight him off!..he will devour you!.

hey guys you know i posted that invite for the meeting..well the colour scheme i used was identical to the flyer i took it form ok...i don't want you to think i was gettin flash or anything..its not my style man...i like this on-line ministry thing..hey if they do close the forum un-anounced i may post on the alternative site i posted a while back...i say may cos i just may not bother could be im here out of obligation now and not cos i want to be here..there's something a man ought not get into you know...the ministry..its unending like your willing it to happen is what every preacher man starts out hoping for i reckon...and then the years of waiting probably grind them down along with their hope...its a shame!...cos their entire life is based on a man your waiting for to deliver you all or damm you all...interesting...?

great theater.. but we pulled something off no matter what you think of it guys...i dont say proof just happenstance cos strange things happen in life sometimes and you just do your thing in life the crowd i suppose but above all be happy and at peace inside or aim to make it a priority goal as you go through ain't worth sh!t if you are'nt truly happy and free inside..this has to be my best advice and it may be people do stuff they ought not in life who knows?..but there can be things which hold us back spiritually so we are'nt complete and whole and we gotta be so careful about them especially..but its a matter personal choice is faith... not something you can push at people..anyway sometimes being happy means having to not do things we do or seem to make us happy for a while but thats a personal issue for people but be at peace and do anything to achieve it..change if you have to and whoever you are if indeed you need to change...and thats all on that.

but at last with this type of prophecy thing it does get people thinking and checking out obviously cos we are above all guys..hahaha...we did it you know..the perfect show..i mean lets face it everybody gets something out of this..the fulfilment i mean..the hate figure or just central figure guys must decide..but at least the prophecies are kinda interesting and captivating..and educational too...listen are you guys still banging on about the bnp or what..what is your problem?..they're just people guys!..hello?..people will have to work together in the end no matter waht or who they are...its all so silly really...i mean people are people!...if they were joined by loads of decent black people at high level.. they'd be fukin awesome leaders of any country man!...caring about who comes and what they're up to..and then getting them out when they don't deserve or belong in our kingdom!!...hahaha..oh boy..i'd be a right one folks?..

there's loads of ways of looking at it but inclusive is the only way it comes as no surprise there's a coalition gov't thing...that old image of black kids stayin in during the nf marches is so out-dated, its as prehistoric as us cos everybody needs to become more flexible in their thinking not their guard over their land..its my own personal view that as long as the division mentality remains, nobody advances anywhere quickly...don't matter what the colour when we're all under attack in this life ive found..spiritually and physically from them unrelenting gods of tireless retribution who war against us all our lives...they're the real enemy man has'nt got to grips with yet...dont forget to click on lysius once in a while to keep us at the high point of our find man guys..ok even if to refresh then?.."ah cmon".

i really gotta go dudes...listen you have a great day wherever you are in the world..its smokin hot these days folks...dont let it pass you by.



hi folks just a few thoughts here and no sermon tonight..i see another plane has come down with casualties..a parachute might be handy on any flight it keeping my feet firmly on the ground for a while.

and in the news there's two ten yr old boys up for raping a girl even younger than they...oh boy..i have a case to attend soon but im kinda keeping out of things cos judgement is a heavy thing ain't easy especially when your personally involved..may wish to slap on a few more years for good measure and that would be wicked so im going to stay completely out of it and leave it to the judge as to what they decide..its not for me to do that..remain neutral on this one cos you know what im like guys..anything to bury enemies of the cross of christ.

im just listening to my gospels here guys..battle hymn of the republic and praise to the man..beautiful hymns and big faves of mine too..i have this fascination with the military..though im not a war type person but sometimes you have to fight for what you know is the truth and stand by it no matter who comes at you and gods plan of salvation is unstoppable folks and woe betide any man who defy's the plan of god it is better that man had not been born.

well im not sure how long i'll remain on the Ambassadors forum for folks..ive come to enjoy it here and am pleased i got rid of those academic types who like to argue amongst themselves...for themselves..too much education and not enough faith see...your head can be full of books and understanding but if you've no faith you got 0.

this is my arena and im in charge here!..out there you can be boss all you like..if you fuk up in my arena...i'll send you down forever!...this planet and its inhabitants are fast running out of excuses and time..were moving in to the burying years for our generation so watch your step all of you..your guaranteed nothing by jesus so don't you dare take anything for granted...and if you don't know which god to serve its cos you have'nt bothered to find him..thats your fukin problem not gods...gods people are moving already and if you ain't its cos your being left behind spiritually...there's gonna be one speed (pause) mine!..if you can't keep up don't step up you'll just die...just doin a cuppa guys.

guys im gonna post and start again cos there's a few things i wanted to speak about concerning the cyber presentation i do for you...and other stuff ok..thanks for coming in again dudes.



hi guys i thought i might post as i prep my salt fish and ackee dudes...i just checked out some recipes on-line but im gonna stick to my own concoction for now...gettin alot of complaints about the smell of from this brand and ive never seen so many bones so i may have to break this up a tad and re-boil..

ok at this stage im just tryin to get the meat tender enough for it to come away from the bones..i must have grabbed the worse cut of fish man...ok ive drained it off picked these lethal bones out and im re-boiling here and we have rice so its go go go on just going to do some washing up folks..i see the birds are feeding late tonight...

ok the washing up's sorted folks and i got the garlic and onion in just now...thing to remember with both garlic and onion is they're very powerful anti fungals and are superb for treatments so plenty of eaten raw though guys if you can hack not sure people around you will mind..ok thats bioling down beautifully just im not sure if i have any clean out of fukin tomato man..just have to settle for canned sh!t...what is it riddick?...i know that look..."i don't even have to see your face and i know that look"..he's thinking of running the surface for a thousand years...purge the rot from off the face of the land and the meek shall inherit the earth...that's impossible..with god all things are possible..its supernatural and i got my power on it..."nobody outs babylon"...he ain't nobody...the doctors don't like it one bit cos they are'nt in control of sh!t...blood vampires!.

ok guys the meals looking great tonight..just pop that ipod on...yeah man!...ok im going to post now and get stuck into my meal..bye.



hi dudes... some stories in the news, im clean out of material so some stories from the news...Browns out Camerons in!!!!...its reported he was choking back the tears...and the volcano has cost just two small British airlines £165 million pounds, ash is affecting flights to portugal, france, spain and the canary islands today..

900 hundred face axe as stores collapse...the cuts came a day after the royal bank of scotland axed 2,600 jobs and cadburys owner craft said 600 jobs may go..experts fear unemployment may surge to 300,000 in a year to 2.8 million.

a ruthless con-man who swindled 200 vulnerable people out of 1.6 million gets 8yrs..and check this one out guys...dy'a remember adam ant..stand and deliver your money or your life..well he was doing a gig for christians and he sang "sympathy for the devil" and was heckled off stage..its reported he snarled "i'm a punk rocker i don't do christian you can fuk off to church"..hahahaha..lovin it...lovin it dudes funny man.

and there's a row developing over who is to blame for the oil spill..blaming dodgy valves and the well-head not being fitted correctly etc..its cos of the huge clean-up cost i bet.

three bullies killed a mum by pushing a lit firework through her letterplate..then joked about the blaze a court heard...legion.

most wanted brit paedo is held in spain..wanted on charges of rape, attempted rape, gross indecency, and indecent assault...legion.

and jacksons in the news re some excerpts from a phone conversation where he alledges somebody is trying to kill him and that he needs to get away from neverland.

Itch kills cop...a policeman accidently killed himself by sratching his nose with a loaded gun!..23yr old was found shot in the head laying on the floor under a suicide note was found and murder has been ruled out and he seemed happy just before he died in Moscow...weird

experts were last night celebrating the the birth of a reindeer for the first time in 800yrs in England.

people will be given pills to live healthily beyond 100yrs within two years a top professor revealed about pills to live healthily pre 100yrs guys..i don't care what happens once a hundred man..take me lord please is what people say at that age...and men shall seek death and it shall flee from them...crikey.

and the headline on the suns front page is Dave New World..i think its brave new world but altered for david cameron..congratulations then.

ok i think that should cover us for today...oh i took them loud mouth rap vids out of my tube account folks..i think it was a conspiracy basically..i would'nt mind any other type of conspiracy but not rap music for gods sakes...djej is kinda ok but that kinda loud angry hate on everything black rap..not for me dudes..not my cup of tea.

ok please close your bibles and i'll post when i got something to update on and not before bye and god bless...

moody babe are you off that ledge yet and carolyn too?..."i just wanna" set you free man.."ah c'mon" this is the best part..i said turn it off...i just had somebody complain about how tightly i wrapped up my packet of farleys rusks man..i don't like anybody messin with my rusks at all.



hi friends...just a quick one moody..i was in town yesterday doing some shopping as i said and there's this guy who seemed worse for wear..he was sat on a small wall puking up onto the pavement..well heaving i should say cos nothing was coming up..well there was a small amount of mucus type fluid i should i stopped my ride to ask if he was ok and he could barely raise his head to look at me..he asked if i had ten pence and so i found a pound and tossed it toward landed on a crease in his trousers just above his ankles and it took him forever to take it in his hand..he looked a bit rough looking really and devilish aswell..i just though id share that with you...i rode away and left him sat on the wall in his drunken stupor.

and i got speaking to my old friend the soldier Allan and surprisingly he mentioned in his conversation that he was hoping not to have to die??..hahahaha well everybody dies i thought as i rode away from him odd!.

and i just got speaking to a police cycle mounted police officer who was directing traffic and his ride was pretty impressive, now i have'nt seen this before but he was on a Smith and Wesson police was ok and had some nice features but mine was better for overall performance...his was a full mountain type and not as versatile as an all terrain bike and looked a little bulky, i did'nt check it for weight cos he was watching me and may have thought i wanted to rob it from him...we had a brief chat about his ride and i was on my way...i could have done with a few parts off his ride though...i liked his derailer though and his rear light arrangement..and gear levers too..each cycle is assigned to a particular officer and he was borrowing it...there was a collar number and name printed on the ride..i wont state who it belonged to though.

ok gotta go now folks bye



hi dudes!...i posted the event below because some of you may well be interested in defo going myself cos my teacher always said i was a monkey so i have a vested interest in the matter..i reckon that white monkey teacher has shrivelled up now!.

now i was just reading through some of the things i borrowed vs some i the things i wrote and my works border on poisonous man..very bitter i mean..angry breed waiting for revenge on mortal man!..well its easy to become that folks and i hope ive demonstrated that here...every action begets a reaction and what you do in your life always has a knock on effect and eventually other people will be affected by those actions...fact!...and so with that in mind, the solution appears to be to do unto others as you would have them do unto you!...and if you don't like what people are doing then tell have an obligation to do so and one day, those very same people may well thank you for showing them the error of their ways.

but i, like many of you i cannot go on living in the past and there does come a point when you have to move on, to let go of the past and the hurt and the anger, it serves no purpose other than to fill with resentment and that is not healthy for anybody to harbour such feelings and so ive decided that if i do post beyond this weekend, and i want to comment on this seminar im due to attend, i want to do so without mention of the state or its machinery etc..i've made my point here for theater purposes but there does come a point where persistant sniping is negative and un-productive so im leaving all that behind from now if you want a site where the authorities are hammered...go elsewhere please!...and i have met decent police officers before so they do exist and they are of course people and not things...though this may not always be clear from the scenes we see on the box..panel i mean during demonstrations etc...and there's so much more to life than police officers...people may assume i have a problem with authority...hmmm i still need material though you know.

hey guys Mr Cameron is giving his speach just now and he reckons this countries best days are still to come...he seems an ok chap i just enjoying a particularly fine shiraz at the mo..well its b-cardi actually but i just raised my glass to mr Cameron as he walked through the doors of downing street and i wish him well of a point like, cos i don't get too involved in politics as i find it boring most times.

now on the issue of doctors, i don't have a problem with them in general but i don't like people trying to decieve me basically is what im saying, and doctors don't make good liars nor actors which is why i named them..their curiosity is not my problem nor should they wish to make it so, nor do i like bullsh!tters and neither does my dad...and the things of god are his and not doctors nor watch your step or i may pray against you...and all things are possible if you have faith enough and i have plenty of that my friends.

ok i think we're good to post..i have my tunes, my particualrly fine shiraz.."i never even got to see france" that's just not true folks..i can't stand the place!...hahahaha..oh boy i tell ya..have a laugh works for me folks..bye and god bless.




You are invited to:

In The Image Of God

A series of talks defending the biblical account of creation

Did god make you in his own image or did you evolve from monkeys?

Did the great flood cover the whole world, or is it a myth, as the academic elite tell us

The Bible asserts that the Lord made the world in 6 24-hour solar days
He covered the world in a flood in the days of Noah
We are made in his image and accountable to him

Grace Bible Fellowship church invites you to a series of talks that demonstrate the evidence in nature supports the assertions of the word of god about creation and

come and find out for yourself:

Where we came from and why we're here;

What all the scientific evidence really points to

Creation vs Evolution is not religion vs Science
 but faith in god vs faith in atheistic

De Witt C.Steele, Jr.
Author of a series of science of science texrt books for christian schools from Pensacola, Florida.

Grace Bible fellowship Church
St. Peter's Hall
St. Peters College
188 College Rd.
Saltley B8 3TE

Friday, 21st May 7:00 PM
Saturday, 22st May 7:00 pm
Sunday 23rd May 11:00 Am
Sunday 23rd May 6:30 PM


0121 444-5433
0121 773-8384

St Peter's Hall is wheelchair accessible



Guilt, Obligation, Fear Or Love

eople who don't know jesus, often think that christians obey god out of fear of punishment, but nothing could be further from the truth, as chrsitians we obey god out of love, jesus paid a great price for all mankind on the cross at calvary, so why should we obey god out of anything else but love.god does'nt just have love for the people that love him, he has unconditional love.

Love, an everlasting love, what we have to remember is that god died for you aswell as me, if you can just take a few moments to picture jesus on the cross, with his arms streched out as far as they would go while roman guards laughed at him, then say to yourself, "jesus is showing me how much he loves me when he was upon the cross"

ok guys i got that from a flyer which came through the door recently and so i thought i'd share it with you..its very sweet is'nt it?..



im back moody i had to cut that last post short cos i had an urgent call to to take..alls well is fry moody? she still stranded on that ledge babe?...i don't know how much rope you think i have man and i would'nt seek to rescue everybody you know..oh no thats not the plan of the gods because its not mens plan to include everybody in society moody...society takes out what it considers the best and dashes the rest aside...its where men decide who is worthy not god...and that's not good!.

im still watching them two doctors and the smart arse professor head full of knowledge but no faith and no power to work any great works, i was warned in advance about them and that they'd come sniffing around myself and when that did'nt work they come for your family..this is the thing with professional people they have no faith in god but they're on you the minute you get to grips with the devil...and it is'nt long before they come with threats etc...even the doctors do it.."he's dying...he's gonna die! the only sure thing is the doctors are dying which is why they sniff around looking for the one!..because maybe white people have gone as far as they can go in terms of development and so its no surprise they're turning to black people for the answers...and they only become interested in you when it suits them...they're very clever you know these people in authority and they do most anything to shake your faith and keep you down spiritually because they want to reign spiritually over all..."did not know who it was fuking
but i do have a faith in my father lysius, and i don't take counsel from doctors or anybody else on faith issues...well you don't expect me to trust the roman church do you?..hahaha...doctors have no god just masonry cold and harsh laws and rules..that ain't faith...nobody to look toward for salvation because they reject jesus as do masons...its the devils business..thats why they love death and power say amen!.

and this is why doctors and masons descend on you when your gettin results cos they know you mean business!...and your doing what they can't..and they seek the physical proof of that and so they like to stick things into you to get that proof because deep down they know the truth moody...masons can only look the part and what they achieve they selfishly keep for themselves, but the king can surpass them and give to his people and then deny them just as they deny others...sounds great!.

whooo! im just seeing some footage of tornado's man...these things are awesome in terms of power folks..crazy freak weather just like freak people...i went to the jobbie today and nothing much to apply for, a couple of jobs but you need a drivers licence and they're site based and so you'd be stuck in an office with sh!tters and i've been there before and could'nt hack people all the day long..i like to be left alone, away from interfering people who devise evil against their fellow man.

i was thinking maybe i can't leave the ambassadors forum folks..its become a drug of sorts..and maybe im hooked, im just trying out these tramadols at the moment folks..they're pretty good actually, i like diazepam aswell to chill out man...polypharmacy i mean..knock em back with a shot of cardi...its great man you just gotta know the right people guys.

anyway i best dash folks..beware spiritual babylon brethrens and watch men alway..peace be unto you my beloveds..please close your bibles..bye.



hi just prepping my salt fish im in thr kitchen at the mo..i've just been shopping aswell babe..i went to a bigger store this time with loads of security cameras and security personnel...if its saturaed with officers they're more lax i find...they tend to rely on strength of numbers to avert any would be free shoppers say..i still got my two sets of headphones though..and my salt fish and ackees.

i picked up a some senheiser precision enhanced bass with noise reduction and i also picked up some sony in ear types aswell..there is'nt much between the pair in terms of specification mind..frequncy response i fact this may come as a surprise but the cheaper set has a superior frequency response but the more pricey senheiser have superior sound pressure 113 dolby and i love loud tunes man...makes me rock it in my kitchen..anyway i have to go now i may post later bye..

oh i nearly forgot..i got them peddles i was after moody..proper cheap man!..for my ride..wicked platform peddles nearly forty quids worth and a gel seat at forty quid aswell...they're great and so much safer than the old worn out rides looking the business now moody..i wish we could go riding together..bye.



hi dudes..lovely morning its not said to last...ok no sermon just now folks..i could simply say that i feature strongly on colour issues sometimes and thats for good reason, racism is tricky one to deal with and often we don't deal with it we just split and go our seperate paths..dig our heels in sort of cos we're proud of our colour..but there is a hiden battle which goes on and has to do with spiritual domination over others and so colour is important and we've touched on that with masonry for example..white dominated and also there are black masons who have decided they stand a better chance than jesus at building up their immortal temples..hahaha...interesting and men are still learning.

its babylon all the same folks...spiritual deception on the part of black and white...both waste their time and are an offence to the lord where they think they are above all else...devils deception because jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father there is one god and one son only and ye are brethren.

and black people you eed to ensure you are'nt used by babylon to carry out her work..lest ye be partakers of her sins and recieve of her judgements...and white people like-wise...and watch them who seek to lead you astray and especially they who preach any other doctrine than which is contained in the ancient scripture..whatch men therefore!.

ok it became a sermon folks..see what i mean life through jesus christ folks..there is salvation in no other...and be proud of your colour while you have it also..its yours and you are no lesser a person for it inspite of how this world works and the sublime message it gives out that blacks just don't make it at high level...that's white mens efforts to ensure the psychological pinning down of black people for all the world to them no mind, its the same with pro-black groups who have gone to extremes..its un-healthy and prejudicial and is not of god..go not after them.

lets pray father we thank you for your love toward us and for your protection from that wicked one!..yea verily lord we ask you smite babylon with plagues from on high..give unto her double lord for her sins have reached unto heaven..pour out thy fury upon her lord so much sorrow give her...fill ye up the measure ye serpents and swine..for the axe is laid unto the root of th trees..did he that made that which is without not make that which is within also? blind are they who make clean the outside but your inward part is full of ravening and whited sepulchres to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever..for his judgement cometh and their damnation slumbereth not.

ok guys please close your bibles...i tellya man its so tricky just trying to keep a balance here folks...its not easy keeping everybody on-side you know...have you any idea of the hastle i suffer trying to appease everybody?..its no joke man you guys are hard work and i regret ever gettin in to the ministry sometimes...i have this sermon and the preacher says some times we get into stuff god did'nt ask us to do!..he's spot on!...but i don't wanna lose my precious black people and my special white people, the rot can go to hell.

ok folks i must dash..i hope the sermons are ok for you, i try to keep em real and something for everybody you know..cos black people like a black preacher who preaches a fiery sermon and white preachers don't get into that stuff i notice..but i don't mind having a crack..somebody has to do it?.."ah c'mon" i just wanna guide you like apollo does and root out that wicked also....bye guys and god bless in jesus name.



just a few things folks and then im gone..its not good to let the sun go down on your rage...i may do till the end of the week and then im gone, i really do have better things to do than ministering life issues as they affect peoples lives..people will always work evil till they be purged folks..those are the rules in your bibles and im looking forward to any purging and in particular the raising up of gods chosen people...not the wicked and those who have made it to heaven already and have no further need for god in their lives...they've counted themselves unworthy in much the same way voodoo worshippers do...god is not mocked..whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap.

you guys are probably ok with the doctors..its not you they're interested in...i watch them becuase many are in fact miserable masons and are searching for the immortal one..the krst..the chief cornerstone!..the godman...the messiah...i think we should flee!!

i like to have a go at everybody in my shows man...myself too sometimes folks...i have shortcomings aswell...i don't care for everybody like a god man ought to...why should i folks...people don't go about the place wishing to save or help everybody...well i don't plot against people but equally i don't care for everybody either..people are in it for themselves these days..most are cos its the way of this and worldly power.

im always thinking about the god man these days and how he'll deal with his enemies on his return...simpler just to cut them off spiritually..give them their natural years and then offer nothing else spiritually to those who have nothing in seems the ideal master plan, one which worldly men can't interfere with as they usually might...son of god is'nt somebody you can feed off spiritually if he chooses not to give..this is what im getting from the scriptures...jesus is not to be messed with folks..he'll easily hand you a death sentence is how it all translates when you look into it.

and of course im not saying im jesus, i never have said that and would'nt ever say that...jesus is quite unique..he's a mystery in some respects i feel..many try to be like him..i do like to act out the part sometimes but people come at you if you go too deep with they're threatened or something and that's really odd...but its not a bad thing trying to be like jesus folks..there's even a song we used to be like jesus...i particularly like his powers guys...he hath immortality and he could heal if he wanted to...thats nice too!..and he could save if he wanted and curse when ready with amazing results.

dionysus according to the myth was immortal but brutal against his enemies..apollo is my fave though..his duties are brill and i read the egyptian equivilant is horus and some say jesus..its all been messed with so its hard to say with any have to follow the spirit some say..probably best to remain spirit led in all fact i've found its the only right way...the way of man is destruction of both body and soul i've seen...lack of effort equals lack of reward its just the reality..we all struggle with it at times but its a case of just having to stick with the programme basically...and not letting up on yourself or god is paramount...the minute you lose the dream your finished!.

(shout) and that's why you!! (pause) are the one who is responsible for you! (lengthy pause)! (p) are going to either fail..or your going to succeed spiritually...who do you think is worrying about your spiritual welfare?...who's fretting that you have'nt grown spiritually?...nobody right?.."spot on"..your actually on your own already folks!..sure we're all here sat in this arena together but your on your own on lifes rugged highway guys...this long road we travel..where you going?...where you headed? you spiritually prepared and armed for lifes trials when problems come at you?..these are the things we need to be sure of in life...cos it grinds you down in every respect, lifes a punishment in the end sometimes ive seen and that is honestly the best way to describe it in some cases...what some people suffer with illnesses etc..terribly eroded quality of life makes our problems look feeble, but the only way to go through lifes journey is to be spirit can choose another route but you don't get far without god in your life folks..the body without the spirit is dead and if your not having a spiritual relationship with god then your hastening your own spiritul death which leads to?...hmmm.

and so we have life through a relationship with god because we know that any other reality is short termed and decieving...the devil can show you life for a time but he has his own agenda which is to take men down always...he'll always win if you have a relationship with him, he's too good to be defeated by men..devil always wins men cos those are the rules and the bible is clear on that..its that simple!..he'll beat you hands down in the end...its important you get a god who you can trust and who promises a bit more than what the devil offers and the way to ensure that is to remain spirit led through out your life and to respect that relationship with god...its so precious is how you have to view...guard it jealously man..its your gift!..your protection and guidance in life..and it can keep you alive..

ok folks im happy with this...if im winding down i want to go out positive..on a good note not bashing the authorities or colour or whatever..too much bashing going on and nobody is making any spiritual progress in giving spiritually and im working on those things personally.

im not really living in the past folks..those things were decades ago now and im pretty much over it..and get along well with most even police oddly!'ll always have the odd moment but such is life, im really ok and i dont want you going to pieces over me ok! fairly balanced and not as distrusting as i give out...jesus promoted rampant distrust for fellow man though..clever guy.

im going to study some more greek myth over the next few months cos there is so much i've yet to learn anyway guys i gotta post bye and god bless...jesus loves you all.

son of god lysius


ok folks the views are down but we're still top of the league tables...but im tired of this sh!t here so i think its time to move on from the Ambassadors forum, at least i put on a show, not to everyones taste but that was always going to be impossible..pleasing both black and white..we're at 7,252 views or thereabouts and thats enough for me already so im finally going to say good bye to one and all..i hoped you enjoyed the show and the mythology folks..sorry you have'nt walked through into life eternal just yet but thats still some way off and for some they'll never see it.

i was going to push for 7,500 views by the end of this week but there's little point cos its people who refuse to move not the views so bye and god bless.

bye cap't moody and fry and keep the faith you two...please close your bibles



hi in one of those moods today where i really don't give a fuk about anything..p!ssed off moods...i got the courts to pay today but have'nt paid them...corrupt white people making life hard for the darkie...and then when you fuk up..they're on you with the white mans laws!...there's definately issues there.

where's the recourse for the misery imposed on black people by white people in authority..besides saying there is nothing you can do about it..or you need to see the bigger picture!...fuk you with that attitude...has stuart the bent cop owned up and confessed to his crime against me and my family..and the other officers with him?...and the female officers too..."hold his arms behind his back while we smash his face in"..sugar and spice.."we can drag him through court for assaulting police officers afterwards too"...we're officers of the law..they won't question our sincerity and uprightness...he's black!..what the fuk is that about?..freaks.

well some people think they have it all sewn up and stitch you up and fit you up like your life is a game and they're the winners hands down everytime..cos there ain't nothing you can do about it..well keeping yourself out the ground is a good place to start when you wanna show people what you can do about it...and then it falls to them to keep their sorry asses out of the ground or find the lord who will do it for them..corrupt people man!.

its always going to be a problem for me this one folks and you do wonder how many black people have suffered the same fate, been robbed of opportunities because certain white police officers have decided it is their duty to destroy black lives and to enslave them using the legal system...well who's gonna set them free from their sin?..this is the question..he that leadeth into captivity must go into captivity.

its ok folks i get this way sometimes when i have to deal with the life long sh!t which follows on the back of the problems those racist cops created that night...there's a fair bit of hate (love less) going on there i have to admit...and its something you don't ever forget..just like old ladies don't ever forget what they suffer at the hands of black muggers..its all the same in that there are people in society, black and white who simply can't control themselves and are'nt happy unless they're fuking up somebody elses life.

please close your bibles..bye and god bless



hi dudes just a quick one i have heaps to do..i hope you enjoyed the previous posts..i hoped it would highlight the fact that once we stand on our own two feet we stand a better chance of dealing with life issues successfully..good things can be pulled from bad experiences sometimes.

but i dont wanna get too deep into the difficult past thing cos it ain't so bad folks..just gotta mush on keep going and enjoy your life...anyway enough about me just here to pass some just watching a programme where immigrants say they feel targeted by law enforcement in the US and many are without papers and the state of Pheonix Arizona has passed new laws giving police the power to check on these people further..interesting stuff.

and this funnel to cap the oil flow has been set on the ocean floor following a failed attempt to install it as ice crystals developed and clogged it they say..thats some depth they're working at there..well it sounded like a good idea to begin with and also in the news, there are people trapped in a mine after an underground explosion.

but aside from this its fairly quiet at the major disasters to report on folks and still jesus has'nt returned to save us all...oh well there's time yet...but in the meantime we best just live our lives folks.

ok gonna post cos i have tons to do bye



hello Ambassadors!...welcome once again hey...nothing in particular to curse at tonight just in and getting myself sorted as you more fertility stuff here sexuality is like my spirituality..its mine and every one of you has your own too and so you don't need mine..sexuality or spirituality i mean..please be seated.

what a strange few days i've artguing with somebody about colour yesterday..the accusations flew at me!..."oh your only defending black people cos your black ain't ya?".hahahaha...i told you folks you can't win this just gotta laugh...its black its white its never right for some...fuk em all i say.

and i got got into a conversation about granny bashers and muggers this evening....well they're out there folks is all i can say on that issue...i find it real difficult to see how anybody could knock an elderly person about mind...its not normal...most of us have ageing parents or are headed that way ourselves and you have to be a bastard to do that especially to the older folk...but guilt can be a terrible thing to live with over the years...and if your smart you will understand that to enjoy peace of mind and a relationship with god then your conscience needs to be clear of such things.

hey guys i need to make it clear not signed up with masons ok?..because ive said a few positive things about their craft or practice does'nt mean im in awe of them and besides im kinda red-skinned with black blood in my veins and they don't do black so you know...its a non starter and i ain't interested in serving people or peoples craft..i have my scriptures already..four bibles on my bedside cabinet and the spoken word on my ipod..i love jesus words they don't even mention the master cos they scared of him..the giver of absurd is that?...i mean can you imagine you have an ancient prophecy which predicts a man is to return who is indeed the son of god, who has life in himself and the masons...very cleverly decide they don't need him to build on..we won't even mention his name we dis-like him so much!...we'll just worship his dad instead..hello?...guys i don't get that..cos what if he comes back dudes...what then?...cos this is what he says will happen and im learning one thing as i grow...that dusty old book sittin on mama's table!! be very careful was introduced for a reason and yes it may have been interfered with but even in their defiance toward are still serving him but are'nt aware of it...but its not bash the masons night here because when all is said and done guys...somebody has to at least ensure society have some moral standing or chaos and anarchy would reign supreme and no flesh would survive.

but i do think people are ignorant to a beautiful promise in the not one for rose tinted glasses folks...i grew in care homes for much of the way and in many respects im very greatfull for that...on a personal level i don't view it as a handicap at all, your alone and responsible for yourself from the get your meals and clean linen etc..nice big happy family of strangers for brothers and sisters...your on your own and you watch your back, the other lads and the staff..its the rules you need to get through the many institutions you pass through as you head toward your teens..the homes and people change but the rules are carved in stone and you take them with you..for your own protection.

and you gotta stay so strong inside folks..your on your own!...and people want to damage you and you they if your not can twist a person aswell...take you far away from who you really were as a child...and i like how jesus says that unless we become as children we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven!...where is that kingdom? is within you and cometh not with observation!..well that tells us something of the qualities required to enter this kingdom and we all are found wanting on getting into heaven folks...only one man can do it we're told...jesus christ the son of god!...some guy.

but the care homes far from being a negative period of my life are now begining to pay off i feel..i really mean that folks...i long ago stopped waiting for somebody to bail me out...ain't nobody comin to save me sir!...oh no you best get that notion out your head straight away..your on your own so stand on your own two feet and do it fast..emotionally i mean...and provide for your self emotionally and spiritually cos ain't nobody doing it for you..its the rules!...and so its not surprising to find in this later stage in my life as i get into my scriptures that i look at the written words authority and quickly conclude...its the rules...and it can seem like brainwashing yourself to simply accept the scriptures in principal and try to live accordingly but if your a christian proper and move in the spiritual realm you quickly learn it to be the truth because you see works frankly...god communicates through his people sometimes the bible says..its not always what we want to hear maybe!..but at least we can't pin things on a man on a computer right?.

but it could be that i'm fortunate to have had that early childhood experience because it served pretty good in later life folks it really does..we all eventually reach a point in life where we tip the scale...see our best and begin to wain or ebb in our strength of character or our resolve and apetite for life..its part of the ageing process naturally..where we walk alone spiritually as individuals, and it has to be a lone walk to truly find yourself as a person..ain't something anybody else can help you have to go that part alone and face it at some point in your has to be dealt with in order for you to pull through sort of...many don't or won't pull through spiritually whole if they've no spiritual experience..though much of it is natural you know...not peculiar to churches or other faith way!..some of the most spiritually active people you can interact with in a shopping mall...but i do have a more objective approach to things these days and im finding i can fall back on those hard earned tips and experiences i endured as a child...just gotta keep going..don't know why!..but there's no one to care just keep going cos nobody is stopping...your on your own.

and in many respects we are this day on our own and its a damm good way to look at it too!...responsible for your own spiritual welfare and standing...who do you think cares?...god cares for people but if they can't be bothered to make the effort cos they're too busy or have more important things to do well thats their problem not mine or yours..and this is how i've become more self focussed as i've got older, i don't look to other people for anything in terms of trust or faith building or answers or friendship, i've learned not to basically...not that i have issues with any people in particular but i like myself sometimes and i trust him its been a case of having to do that...and this is the best place to start with yourself and set a new standard where you make like your gonna win..forget nearly win but tell yourself its real life cos it is! now people..hello?.

ok that should do us for tonight folks..i hope there's something which may be of use to you..and remember folks it ain't that could always be worse..bye and god bless.



i was just wondering which character you prefer...there's so many to chose from aswell..i do like omni-tron from the day the world stopped turning and the co actor with powers, the who came to end the world remember?..they're two big favorites of mine...i thought the film was great too..peter the roman is kind of ok but i reckon he's probably the so called jesus character or god man as some prefer..jesus comes over freaky to me man..skittish to be honest..just my personal view mind..he seemd very jumpy and dis-trusting of everybody...his teachings are constantly laced with warnings of men in general..i wonder why he felt so passionately about that sometimes...maybe he saw them as a hinderance...wanting things for the wrong reasons..not wanting or able to get men to where they need to settling for what they could grab out the place and keep all else down because they naturally want the same things and the power maybe!...pretty much is what he tells us folks.

he's still very skittish though and maybe we all are inwardly...and maybe we should be so long as the grave is following close behind us! gotta admit though folks it does keep us on our toes?...well some of us at least...the dedication required to beat that place is phenominal i bet..i can see why some of ther more discerning masons..the master craftsmen take their craft so seriously actually...cos they know deep down that god is not can't hide from the all seeing eye folks..the master of creation itself and so they have this bit correct i have to agree with that aspect.

i need to avoid making negative remarks you know...sometimes i can be very judgemental as a would be easier if i did'nt judge so much.. but everybody does it..there's another judgement see..oh by the way folks there is no way i can comment only on disaster events..thats twisted!...many sites do this mind..and you can't knock it, its factual i suppose..but its as though we'd respond only to disasters and loss of life etc and some could find it distasteful and there is this to remember...have i offended many in house folks?..did you get your hate going on me proper...talking about me and stuff to family or friends?..saying bad things behind my back?...picking my ministry apart with learned that the big plan?.

i expected it to go that way with you guys...destroy what you can't control!...the rebellious jesus character..and they crucified him! (pause) because he spoke out against the system!! they nailed him to a tree...they murdered him!!...i wonder where the cross fits in with egypt cos the desert sand was no good for planting a large crucifix without footings or like quicksand really..heavy stuff.

i got speaking to somebody yesterday and they said out the blue something like "oh don't you knock the devil" not in response to something i said but just rattling off like...and i though this was so interesting cos it clearly suggested some sort of reverence for him...and im not suggesting devil worship here folks no way...but it does pay to be mindfull of his office and many would argue we need to live our lives accordingly...its good to keep your eye on his ambitions though to make sure you ain't part of them.

and i read in one place that jesus was a nasty piece of work..its in one of them forgotten books of the bible...which were'nt included in the canon, one suggests he murdered a friend as a child or something if i recall correctly...but even in the bible we paint a picture of people living blissfully forever alongside the lord or for a thousand years say but what of those wicked and of course there's the natural disasters which show no sign of stopping any time soon..and they're claiming lives indescriminately and can't be stopped or predicted the good can be plucked out too folks..and jesus says not just the wicked suffer tribulation but the good also...that's me and you too folks...whoooo!.

this is our judgement people!!..i think its great man..even if nothing happens in 2012...we're still stranded here on earth and its wicked dudes! big happy family with increasingly smaller spaces all coming together in unity and peace as one people...super stuff..and we can live forever if jesus thinks we deserve it aswell..oh man that's a real treat to get excited over...just need to avoid him if he has a bad day i reckon...can you imagine getting on the wrong side of a god man when way past you natural living years..oh boy...summary execution when you look at it?..bloody hell its heavy when you look at it like that folks..scary sh!t!...that is how this jesus character would rule with a rod of iron if he were to come to keep people alive..and if you refused to be ruled over well...

he's a scary mother when you check it out people..i know he's all lovin and nice but there is always another side to people i know that much..but the things of god are spiritual and even a salvation plan is based largely on spiritual matters and not a personal relationship with messiah in the flesh i imagine but the bible does say we should be having one with him nowadays lest he come back and reject us.

cracking stuff folks..ok im gonna post and dash off bye guys.



morning world! back again sermon just seeing there's been a 7.4 mag quake off Indonesia again and tsunami warning issued and this plan to cap the oil leak has run into problems...thats a tricky task at such depth im reading but its amazing what men can do with technology these days..great stuff if it does work...and the volcanic ash cloud is still causing problems over europe airspace and we're still trying to sort out our government...they're saying the public want the prime minister out.

but aside from that all is well and the sun is shining...well any trip to Egypt is out the window owing to court cases..great..mind you its all history now folks..the age of the pharaohs i mean..their secrets lost to time!...their once awesome powers and command over life itself..dissipated over millenia...never to be re-gained.

im just looking into this ophiuchus connection in the dark rift and the so called alignment for 2012 etc..exciting stuff man! thousands are waiting for something good or bad to just seeing on the box...panel i mean that theres some women Bishops coming into office etc..interesting stuff!...i don't have sexist views on that stuff...women in the church etc..don't get into all that, in fact im not even concerned with what the churches are doing frankly, they do their own thing..i came across a web site a few days back which queried the relationship between hitlers nazi's, the pope and masons...i did'nt bother to enter it because the one thing they all have in common is they're were or are white dominated fact when the roman church clerics get together they're pretty much all white for some reason...and the pope never actually speaks out about anything of substance..not the things which matter to most.

maybe their style of doing things don't appeal to black people, just as the black style don't suit the masons and how they do it in them lodges...they do have some interesting stuff in lodges though..i've visited one way back now...not my cup of tea but there you fact folks..i don't like any places of worship beyond what they have to offer in terms of architecture..some of the older church buildings are fine but if i do get all righteous its normally in my own house with my beers etc...but if you like to get out and meet people and assemble yourselves then churches are fine.

i may begin to look into the curses of tut, ive taken a brief look but many say its speculation..i think it is possible to curse though, the bible says so and if you have faith enough or truly believe in what you say then all things are possible according to can dash mountains down or cause trees to shrivel up, not that i've tried that one...i imagine you can curse people and institutions..we do those things as a matter of course when you look into it folks...we may not think anything of them as curses drop off our lips but we say them for a reason regardless.

but im getting back into my researching prophecies as i used to before i began messing about here, not that i need to tank up on other peoples foretellings folks, you know what you know already and some say its impossible to see or really know the future..well that may be true but the things of god are spiritually discerned and all things are possible with god...there will be people who know things about the future if they're spiritual types...but of course i know things, not about the future in particular but thats easy enough if you wish to know it but there are things i know which i dont share here...there's no point and its no big deal either.

the only thing you have to watch out for is other men who covet your spirituality and they do because its about power..and men crave it!...even if they don't deserve it because they can't be bothered to get a genuine relationship on with god or have got to what they percieve is the top...its just that they have reached their spiritual limit and so selfishly seek to hinder those who are entering they can hold you back and prevent you getting to where you feel you need to be..and we need to watch the world does'nt ensnare gods people who have no interest in the worlds affairs but are sometimes viewed as a threat by people in authority and treated as such.

but there you go christians beware men and watch therefore..i love that part of the scripture folks..gotta be the most important directive of all...well im keeping an eye on the doctors, i know they're masons and those other men too...i trust nobody especially masons who love Osiris and have a role for everybody else..which is generally beneath them...its not for me folks nor do i wish to rule over any either..let each plot his own course cos i have no time for any of that crap...i work out my own salvation and its for them to work out their own.

ok folks i think that should cover todays offering...i've been thinking about that £20 note i tried to fish out of the canal a while back..for my fridge pack of beers...been on my mind all night oddly..i bet its sat on the canal bed now..what  a pitty i could'nt reach it..
right gotta get going bye folks and god bless



hi dudes and welcome to the show just a quick prophecies stopping those or god is just running through some of the 2012 prophecies again...exciting stuff..maybe god will begin to move his people..and leave the wicked behind to could be done, god can easily keep a set of people alive and simply offer others nothing just as they offer nothing but trouble and hardship to some members of society..with god anything is possible.

i tell you guys its great to get into these scriptures you know...we often see it as a dusty old book stuck on a shelf for years collecting dust but its awesome...there's spiritual things in the book and in what jesus says too..this guy has powers man!..and he's immortal and that's heavy...and i choose to involve myself with this area of the christian teaching so involved spiritually at this business end ogf the gospels and my faith..i would'nt refer to it as christian though and have always been reluctant to label it as could be termed that though...but for me there does come a point in my spiritual life where i want to get to a certain level and i feel nobody else can offer that degree of depth and truth im seeking as an individual..i dont wish to get all philosophical man..but you know sometimes you just wanna pull something more from what your believing in? just want a result so you know the god your dealing with is'nt wasting your time and leading you up the garden path or indeed to the grave..

and so you look for a sign from him in your life to guide you when nobody else is able or willing, cos you ain't for going down that way...and no matter how you look at it, whatever name you give to your battle plan or spiritual warfare against the devil if you like..the fight in most faiths is to remain alive and or avoid death...all major faiths promise an existance superior to this limited life amount of money can make man truly happy whilst in a sinfull job will totally satisfy...and watching everything you worked for for decades slowly fade away in old age can sometimes seem the ultimate betrayal...cos the kids leave one day..and the mortgage will probably be paid by then and we'll all be a little older by then and have changed too.

things will have different value and meaning to when you first started out and your partner will have changed dramatically, as will we, as we wind down mentally and prepare for our old age to take hold on us...its crazy! not to dwell too long that far ahead hey? think this is why life can seem a real bind for us all at times folks..honestly im being dead straight here!...its the thought of being stalked all our lives by the innevitable grave...we rarely even discussed it throughout childhood in families..i wonder if its changed these days..i should'nt think it has, its not like your gonna strike up a death chat whilst sat with your family for sunday lunch...well i would'nt..its something i'd talk to real close people about, but in all these instances it is most like something each and every one of us is left to deal with on an individual basis...we watch as family members age away as a sort of preparation for ourselves it you ever sit looking at your aged parents asking where have they gone?.

sin ladies and gentlemen!...yours!...mine!.theirs!...and the wages of sin?...its a brutal way to look at it but i often find it can be a meaningfull experience for...i don't get all broken up about it and i suggest you dont either but joint sin and iniquity abounds and people wax worse and worse and weaker society worse today than way back or people worse say?...its tricky and debatable but many say worse, but back to my point its sin which causes the dying process and the bible is clear on that..but doctors casnt go around preaching or getting into that stuff!..i mean we've seen what can happen when they see they get a god thing going on!...aside from the fact this doctor did what he did its quite hilarious..something out of a sketch almost...sat there with his brief case on the bus...i wondered if he'd been praying to cause such emotional flair up.

if im honest i liked it for its absurdity and the timing was good too but in a twisted way it does go to highlight precisely what i've been saying here all's pretty much impossible for any of us to truly trust matter who they are guys..its not about your colour or your job but people as individual im adrressing or seeking to appeal to! is getting tricky big time because of men generally..kinda losing touch with the programme folks...and i think the answer to this is spiritual or the lack of..we're given over sometimes, all of us but it can be so hard to pull your self straight again..but the signs are showing the sorts of spiritual turmoil which presently exist these days..with all the things wrong in life and the hastle we all go through..its chronic sometimes because of its unpredictability..thats what frightens people when you get speaking to them..its how things have changed from years we get older we can't handle the pace sometimes but the change has to happen and we adapt or we don't.

society don't wait for nobody!..chew you up and spit you out like your disposable in this era...its a metropolis (whatever that is) the old days it was far more friendlier and intimate nowadays its always in a hurry and there's little quality spiritual interaction between people sometimes these days..unless your work partners, in which case it may be a blessing who knows, but life is simply so fast paced these days many are ragged out spiritually..drained!.

ok folks we're coming to an end now..erm i got a court case to attend shortly..a couple actually and im not even sure i want to be at both i could really do with out the detail you know..i think i may pass man

guys... the song is correct that no mortal man can win this day its would have to be a god to last forever and you must admit folks that might be a fate worse than death here on planet earth..anyway time for a cuppa folks im gonna post and i kept it clean on this one...and no prophecies see?



forget the flyer folks ive decided against posting it...miserable wet day still top of the table folks..controversy sells don't it?...crazy!..i take the p!ss abit folks but there's honestly a christian thing going on..just a little mind but im not beating myself up about it no a sinner i more than any of you guys would or do if your christian or other...i do sometimes think im capable of better and could offer more as a person if i applied myself and i maybe there are dreams for everybody which hang on one man..who knows..and who knows what you might achieve if you were to really apply yourself...but everything within reason cos it is'nt too long into this mode of thought that some set themselves up as god for everybody else and thats when the real problems begin..its easily done folks!.

theres many ways of seeing yourself as god..its in the book of Timothy, that long exhaustive descripton of men having a form of godliness...but denying the power thereof!...bad gods therefore devils perhaps..interesting stuff...i can't imagine somebody sat upon a throne as god man..well i suppose you could get used to it'd need to be sat there forever! this chappie in the us who says he is jesus...fair play to him..i saw a short vid on him and he presented well..but aside fom that the real god-mans job would be horrid if he were honestly sat upon a throne alway.

but its interesting to think about it..and as i say can you imagine if men behaved as if gods actual son?'d behave eventually!..hahaha but often the christian teaching sets you at variance with the modern world with some issues where sexuality is concerned say, tricky stuff which people ridicule and resent these days...the important thing is to keep focussed you know..on where your heading and where you wanna be as a person.

when all is said and done you just gotta go for what you believe people...i always think that a person is their own best judge of who you really are as a person and why god should or would be interested in your preservation or my preservation...because we're told that day is coming!..its interesting to think it over if your faith minded and if you think such a day should come and have an interest in those things...eternal life and all that..gnosticism put simply maybe...christianity is pretty much based on it from what the research i view suggests..the god man Osiris etc...clearly were all the same.

dy'a ever think what it must be like to be god, if you believe in such a deity?...undying..a man who never dies..thats a a heavy concept dudes..freaky we have any believers in the house?..hahaha funny man...i best leave the fertility god out of the sermons and besides those are'nt my things...i like Apollo, horus, jesus, tut character...apollo is dangerous dudes...he got some spiritual offices too..i was thinking you know that these gods are well known for their brutality..i remember the old time films where they'd observe us from mythical mount Olympus...laughing at us down here and they still do laugh at us it seems.

i got thinking some time ago that we were all being watched real closely, ive said from day dot that everything we do and have done is known about by the gods...all them little things in private behind closed doors...every single thing is known about!...its true folks..we kid ourselves sometimes, like to hide behind our colours..they dont care what colour you are...its black its white dont cut it with the gods step outta line spiritually and your of no further use beyond their theater and i sometimes think the whole of life is a show we are all involved in sometimes like it or not..we're here already is how i look at it.

and i try to be methodical in my thinking on it...practical then...your here and your choices options are limited to cracking on with life basically..just ploughing through it regardless..even with your faith if you have one...especially with your faith i should say...because the bible tells us we should not be found wanting spiritually...that there will come a time when we need to light those spiritual lamps and have sufficient oil for the dark days to more sexy babes here ok ?..Ah c'm on! sorry...its that staypuft thing again

and there does come a time for everyman to walk through a spiritual dark alley in his life..we all have to do it at some up all the sin we indulged in over our earlier life..whooo!..its brutal but the bible does warn us we have to deal with them things and they're deeply spiritual..but its important to remain positive and hopeful in life..those are good see how far you can go with your some its masonry and others it faith based...the world and the church are two seperate interests but do sometimes clash because you require strength of character in both fields...spiritual strength to get you through life and to defend yourself spiritually and to benefit others of the same faith and masonry is slightly different.

ok this flyer asks if god made us in his image or did we evolve from monkeys?...did the great flood cover the whole world or is that a myth as the academic elite tell us...well god made man in his image..the image of a man..because god is a living man not a meaningless uncaring architect where men are created imperfect..fallen from grace and unable to ever recover his former!! thats the worlds view people...god can do what he wants when he wants..if he wishes to cause a miracle he will do it...if its mayhem and destruction he can and will do it, and the bible warns us we should be mindfull of that and thankful to him for his loving mercy toward us there is a fine balance and faith and hope can help you walk that long dusty track...and its a long old road folks.

but the god man thing will go on and on cos its something some people wait for..not that it'll make any difference to the way of the world initially folks any god man would'nt be required to do much besides live his life, he does'nt need a throne especially and he has serios work to do when he comes according to the keep some going and to forsake others it could be viewed as but its one of them situations where you have to see if it all happens and if we're chosen as could be that god will just emit a beacon of invisible life rays from his persons and heal everybody of their sins...who knows what they have planned.

guys i gotta post and go now bye and god bless..i'll post later if i can think of stuff

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