As everyone know the real rulers and leader of country why do they try to miss place the cause Like lady Elizabeth some of this stuff is not fair to her as many people stand for differenet issue in the world why do they try to put this a side there all ways going after different women why don't they help her right some people pride are in the way for sure like me for I do all this work and somebody else wants the pay what up with that what up with a new president every year it seems people act like the office is there home desk of life money problems it seem they wouldn't worry about the money so much and try to take care of her she not in her home like she should be she has poeple around her wanting to get pay for there work they don't do It really getting trieding of people like that they want to take and not give back like it there free money hand there missing the hole issue in a America and Elizabeth area how can someone stand for this and put is a side maybe they can't do the work right with al the other kings and Queens