The verse you quoted was revealed during the Pagans' persecution of Muslims. (You added the word "Christian"). Most suttle inter-religious hate mongering, instigation and war mongering today is done by the Hollywood, US and European networks. A world without Islam and Christianity would be a vile and cruel place where brute force and power will rule, and the weak will have no hope.
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RE: Comments on Bill Maher's Jesus v. Muhammed cartoon
I have read the Quran and it is filled with many commandments to kill anyone that doesn't believe exactly what one man said. How am I to trust one man who has not been supported by any other prophet and no one else has brought the same message as him? Doesn't a verdict require witnesses?
The Qur'an says: "Fight and slay the pagans [including Christians] wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush" (Surah 9:5)
This is violence directly from the Quran against EVERYONE. In fact it says secretly kill them even if they do nothing to you. How can you believe that Islam is peace and believe you need to kill EVERYONE that doesn't believe exactly as you do. That is not peace.
I would like to say tht plz dont insult islam, islam is the religion of peace ,not of terror.its the prejudice attitude created by the people.
Due to some of them the religion name is getting spoilt.dont forget tht today the muslim religion is good ,the muslim womans are veiling there bodies and face to protect them from the evil practices and like the europeans or the westerns who are exposing alot and having the fornicators not even respecting there parents
Our Profit Muhammed havent commanded us to take the life other in the name of jihad,he was the one who have always commanded to take care of the creatures of allah not to harm any human being not to harm any animals, due to some terrorist ,how can a profit be insulted,see these is wrong i beg on you all who are the reader s plz read the holy kuran and the saying of the profit then only you can understand wht is islam the religion.
The basic principle of Islam is equality of people and respect of ther othes religions. To be educated can help someone to be good muslim. Allah does not like ignorants and terorists. I recommed everone to read Koran the holy book of Islam in order to understand the message sent by Allah to everbody in the world. Pls give up evaluate Muslims and their kind of life and their dress for understanding Islam.
I do not understand why people draw catoons of prophet Muhammed (cc). Do they want to insult to Muslim? Is it freedom of speech or think? Is insulting comic?
Why the others people support these caricatürests? Do they like people who likes insulting the values of others?
prophet moham was just a man....nothing was jesus....just a plain old dude who had a few screws loose and wanted recognition.....for a mass of people to get upset about a cartoon....well that shows the whole purpose of the cartoons was exactly for that around the world are being they revolt over a little drawing they show others...who already know...and is the education...that they are prehistoric in their way of thinking...and need to get with the program...with the rest of this small world we all live in....and when you pass this Grade 1 test you can advance to Grade two....expect more cartoons guaranteed.....and the next test will be that you realize your religion is not for keep it to could also take a lesson from christians who for the majority are taught to turn the cheek rather than the revolver....
jez ı dont agree with you.what are you trying to do with these cartoons.I am a muslim and ı dont think ı m feeble minded.I can assure you that ı am more educated than you and ı see a lot of differences with your point of view to these things and with my point of view to these things.Let me ask you which of us is the most democratic?Either you use the democracy for the west and to christians or is it me who look to the whole world with full of democratic opinions.
Do you think by doing these cartoons you are educating us?What if the things you know are wrong?Did you ever think to control yourselves?İf the things you know are only for you-the west,if there are no room for us(muslims) you learned really scarcely.I am looking forward for you to learn more.
WHO ARE INNOCENT? Muslims? Christians? Jewis? Nobody! Everybody must look their own history.Everybody must be honest.All of these religions history full of sins. Jesus and Muhammed are not guilty, we are guilty.
Stop these silly discussions.There will be no winner because all of us are not innocent. I am proud of to be Muslim and Turk."The Prophet Muhammed said, ‘All people are equal, as equal as the teeth of a comb. An Arab is no better than a non-Arab, nor is a white person over a black person, nor is a male superior to the female. The only people who enjoy preference with God are the devout.
”Christians,Jewish and Muslims are honoring the same stories, and basically even reading the same books. 95% of what defines us human beings is the same. 5% is different, and too often we humans choose to focus on that 5%.
u r really silly....u europeans are silly in everytime of your life...u make fun of a child...its same in religion...because of these reasons you have a ****ed religion....and even your womens dont want u because u r not man enouhg...i heard that your womans are crazy for turks..(us) this is because we are not makin stupid jokes everytime...we are serious..a man should be every part of our our life...and so our religion İSLAM is serious...we dont do jokes about that...u can do it in your religion but u should show respect to us..i invite u to search what is İSLAM..but not on internet... ırak , saudi arabia ...these are shame for islam...we are not terorist..! (sorry for my english-hope i could explained what i think)
A cartoon is a cartoon. Religions are just opinions.
People who get upset about perceived insults to their religion need to learn to grow up and think for themselves. Religions are for the feeble minded who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.
Bill Maher's latest book, "When you ride alone, you ride with Bin Laden" created a storm with a cartoon many find offensive. It shows a boxing match between Jesus and prophet Mohammed. The Ambassadors requests the urgent deletion of this cartoon from the book and an apology from Bill Maher. Please visit the Editorial to learn more about this issue. To post your opinion, click on "Post Followup".